Finally MSNBC has focused on matters that impact America. The last time they did that, it was a discussion of Sarah Palin's breast size and now they are obsessing about Senate Candidate (Del) Christine O'Donnell, rumored to masturbate and to have sex with men.
While some media outlets seem to be focused on paltry matters of jobs, the faltering American economy, radical islam and the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, terrorism, tax policy, or the fine job that my man Barack Obama is doing in the White House, MSNBC has disclosed that in 2004, Christine O'Donnell said that she'd had sex. The New York Times, America's source for the truth seconded MSNBC.
"I was lonelier than Kunta Kinte at a Merle Haggard concert."
She said her name was Bambi...
I think that this song is one of those things that transcends race, gender and politics. I heard about it from my Alderman here in Chicago. He was telling me how a lap dance is simply much better when the stripper is crying. Then he shared the song.
Woman Nabbed For Auto Erotic CrimeCincinnati woman was caught multitasking herself in Pontiac
"The Smoking Gun" AUGUST 25 - A Cincinnati woman was simultaneously masturbating with a sex toy and watching a pornographic video while driving last week, according to cops who arrested her on assorted criminal charges.
Colondra Hamilton, 36, was pulled over last Tuesday evening in a traffic stop triggered when cops noticed she was driving a 2008 Pontiac with overly tinted windows.
That’s when officers noticed that Hamilton’s pants were unbuttoned. And she had a vibrator in her lap. Questioned by cops, Hamilton admitted to engaging in auto erotic manipulation, and revealed that she had also been watching a porno movie that was playing on the laptop of a friend in the passenger seat, according to an Elmwood Place Police Department report.
Hamilton, pictured in the above mug shot, was booked into the Hamilton County jail on a misdemeanor count of driving with “impaired alertness.” Hamilton was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia since cops found a “broken piece of crack pipe” in her purse.
She was not, however, accused of using the pipe while she was driving and masturbating and watching an X-rated film, the title of which was not released.
It's just one more sad example of singling out a black person for doing what made her happy. I thought that the Constitution guaranteed people the right for the pursuit of happiness!
While it is a crime in Ohio, it's not a crime in Chicago (thank God)!
Computers are too hard to use! I feel for young Rakim:
There is a constant bias toward black people by whites and Chinese. I often feel as though my computer is made by people who don't understand me and my needs. Is there a way to get a simple computer (with just an on-off switch) for black people? Don't be a jerk and say an abacus because I have troubles with them too.
The bigotry against black people is most evident in elections where black people find it hard to win. One of the best examples of that is in South Carolina where Alvin Greene won the Democratic Party's nomination and now I hear he's over sixty points behind a white man. That's a clear example of racism and doesn't say much for a former slave owning state. To make it right, people from South Carolina need to vote for Alvin because he's black. Nobody cares much for qualifications for a US Senator. Look at Harry Reid and those other guys. They don't have the sense to get in out of the rain, and THEY were voted into the Senate.
It's time to accept the truth about the World Trade Center bombing. Christians did it, not Muslims. Russell Simmons, who writes for the Huffington Post said, "If you're blaming Muslims for the attack on 9/11, then you need to change your mind. Did we blame Christians for the first World Trade Attack?"
The hijackers -- were not MUSLIMS according to Simmons, and that means that it's true. Simmons has been a guest at the White House and may have slept in the Lincoln bedroom. He's a confidant of President Barack Obama and is an informal advisor to the president. I must admit that I never knew that Ramzi Yousef was a Christian, but if Russell Simmons said it, I HAVE TO believe it.
Russell Simmons is the third richest rapper in the world. As such he has access to things denied to most people. He's a what white people hate, a SUCCESSFUL black man. In a lot of ways, he's very much like President Obama. In fact, he might be a great Senator if he could step down as a media mogul. We need people like Russell Simmons who understand history to be in charge in Washington!
Today the president clarified his remarks by saying that it wasn't an endorsement, and that it's a 'local issue', protected by the Constitution.
There are a lot of people who live in New York City who should show more appreciation for the events of September 11, 2001. They owe their large pensions and life insurance benefits to the Muslims who flew those planes into the World Trade Center. I'm not saying that it was a right thing to do, but inside every cloud there is a silver lining.
Allowing Muslims to build a monument to Islam demonstrates what this blog is about: PEACE. Islamic people are peaceful people and often refer to their faith as: The Religion of Peace! The conservatives like to beat their drum about how violent Islam is. It's only violent toward non-Muslims (Infidels), Muslims who don't embrace the correct interpretation of Islam and Muslims who violate Sharia Law. Everyone else is under the umbrella of peace and can live without fear.
Today a Richland County, South Carolina grand jury indicted wronged Democratic Party U.S. Senate candidate Alvin Greene on a felony charge for disseminating, producing or promoting obscenity, in addition to a misdemeanor charge of communicating obscene materials to a person without consent.
Alvin Greene is the only hope for a Democratic victory for the US Senate in South Carolina in November. At the moment he has been indicted, but not convicted.
President Obama needs to PARDON AL GREENE before he is convicted to preserve his chance for victory over the incumbent, Jim DeMint.
Despite his pending charges, the 32-year-old unemployed military vet managed to catapult himself into national headlines after winning an unexpected spot on South Carolina's U.S. Senate ticket as a Democratic candidate.
The President is also both a Democrat and a black man. He needs to step up and save Alvin Greene!